About us:
Yo friends!
We are glad to see you here. Here we will briefly tell you about us.
The decision to unite in "Decloud Nodes Lab" came to us in 2022. Then, the still young "Akash Network" needed active adaptation of existing applications for deployment in a decentralized computing cloud. We actively helped the core team by creating various kinds of templates for deployments. Then the idea came to create a validator that would work in the decentralized Akash network. This is so cool! Now WEB3 projects on the blockchain can easily deploy their infrastructure in the Akash decloud!
At first, we tested our capabilities by validating testnet and constantly worked to eliminate bottlenecks and errors, after we tested the main scenario for deploying validator nodes, we entered the main networks.
And of course, the "Akash Network" became the main network for us!
Amazing decloud lab team:

Discord: aihonaken
Telegram: aihonaken
Soul of marketing,
CO-founder Decloud Lab,
CO-founder Kumeka team,
Akash vanguards insider.

Discord: dimokus_
Telegram: dimokus
CO-founder Decloud Lab,
Integrations engineer Overclock Labs,
Akash vanguards insider.

Discord: nadi5808
Telegram: Nadi_biryuk
Content creator,
moderator Akash Network RU telegram group.